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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting Things On Track.

I've just been thinking a lot lately.  I applied to PPCC, I applied to like six different jobs, I need to move out.  I suppose the latter of the three will be easier once I have said job and have a steady pay check.  As of yesterday, I have my license, but in Colorado that does me no good until I have a job to pay for my own insurance.  Figures right? All of this stuff goes back to me getting a job.  I wish the phrase "money makes the world go round" wasn't so true.  Back to moving out.  I have one serious room mate offer, and one that would be serious if she knew exactly where she was going to be in that time frame.  I have a possibility of moving out decently soon, but that would require me to let somebody else support me completely until I have a job.  That is way too much to ask.  (Even if I didn't really ask)  It just seems to me like everything is changing so quickly these days.  Some of the changes are wonderful, some just plain hard.  I mean really, graduation(Awesome!), end of long term relationship(Hell), leaving the state for long period of time(Bad timing), new relationship(He makes me super happy), college(Just another step), job(Everyone needs money), moving out(I don't even know)...  And not to mention all of the newly acquired allergies right? (Screw you allergies) Haha.  My life can seem pretty ridiculous at times, but I am getting through it with help.  I just need to keep moving forward with my life, and TRY to ignore the asses along the way.  Thank you to everyone who has always had my back.  You guys have no idea how much you truly mean to me.  I am going to find a way to show you all how much I love you guys, one day.


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