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Sunday, May 30, 2010

I just realized.

You know what? I realized something today.  Something that I already knew in some part of me.  I love you.  I really do.  I have never had a doubt about you being there when I need you, and sometimes you are even there just because I want you to be.  I tell you everything about me, I come to you when I need somebody to talk to.  We don't have to be doing something extravagant to have fun.  Some of our best times consist of just sitting and talking for hours.  You know what is best for me, even when I don't.  You worry about my well being more than even I do.  You are one of the few people that I have no doubt I can trust with my life.  I don't think there will ever be a way that I can repay you for everything that you have done for me.  You are my best friend.  I wish you knew exactly how important you are to me.  I guess there are some things in life that not even words can express.  I hope that if you do read this, it isn't too awkward or anything like that.  It's just that I need you to know that no one will ever replace you in my life.  You will always be the first person I come to when I need to talk, when I need a shoulder to cry on, or even when I just need someone to hear about my crazy day.  This may all be some things you have already heard from me, but bear with me.  These last couple of weeks especially, have been some that I could not have made it through without you there.  I guess, I mostly just wanted to thank you.  Thank you for loving me too.


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