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Monday, May 31, 2010

Wake up time already?

Well, lets see... I finally went to sleep at FOUR in the morning.  It is only logical that I wake up at eight right? Ha.  Just my luck.  Anyway, today was supposed to be my moms surprise party, but my aunt canceled and she was the money of the whole thing.  This is pretty lame, seeing as I came home EARLY from camping to do this.  Also, remember how I was going to apply to ppcc today? I have to wait till my mom returns from work, I left my wallet in her car.  I needed my ID number for something.  In case you want to know if it gets better, it doesn't.  Meeko has a vet appointment tomorrow, a very expensive one.  Katherine is camping and doesn't have her phone on.  I have no idea if she put the money on my card or not, I may be screwed.  I also need to ask her about switching the return tickets to around the beginning of August.  I'm set on going to school out here, so I don't care if I have to pay for some fee to do this.  I need to begin packing for the summer today, this means I need to find a suitcase in the garage, and clean the laundry in my room.  LAME.  I also have to clean the house like I do everyday mom is at work.  My siblings drop everything pretty much AS they are walking.  I am the only one who gives a crud about what the house looks like (except for mom who works.)  You get my point.  One other complaint I have, I really want to see Justin at least one more time before I go to Oregon.  The only way this can happen is if he asks his friends mom for a ride.  It isn't exactly guaranteed that she will say yes anyways.  For the record, I realllllly hope she says yes.  Im already missing people and I'm not even out of state yet.  Taylor had to leave for Cali on Friday, and wont be back till I  am already gone.  So I can't see him one more time.  I feel bad for him too.  One of his best friends is moving permanently, a few days after I leave for a few months.  I hope I am able to talk to him a lot this summer, now that I have a computer with a web cam and such.  I think the only highlights of my day will be talking to Taylor on the phone, and talking to Justin on the computer.  Other then that, I don't think I have much to look forward to.  Oh, well I did forget that Brittany and Abby may be able to come over later.  That would be awesome.  That would definitely improve my day.  Brit needs a nap, so I could watch Abby for a while (btw, Abby is a month old.)  Well, these are the trials of my morning so far, and hopefully they stop there.


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