But wait, there's more! (Pages)

Monday, May 31, 2010


Thanks to YOU (you know who you are)  I am unable to sleep.  I did sleep from nine thirty till like twelve, but then I woke up.  Now that I talked to you, I can't sleep.  Loser, you were able to fall asleep fast I bet.  =).  I'm just messing with you of course.  It doesn't bother me.  In other news, Taylor is way too nice to me.  (And I am going to miss him LOADS while I am out of state.)  He offered the possibility of  driving me to and from college next year.  I will only accept this if i have a job of course.  It's either that, or the city bus pretty much.  (Thank you for the offer Taylor, We'll figure something out.)  Now, I need to register for my classes I guess.  I know I need to take college algebra and English, because i got a letter back from Jonson and Wales telling me that  those are the classes I need to be accepted.  I'm not sure whether I should add another class to that, or just stick with two.  Idk, Ill figure that one out after a little more sleep maybe.  I can apply tomorrow i guess.  We'll see.


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